World Food Day is time to celebrate the fantastic food that many of us have the privilege of enjoying every day here in Spain where we are blessed with fantastic meats, vegetables and fruit and where we proudly boast about our healthy Mediterranean diet.
However, today also serves to raise awareness about those who do not have access to sufficient nutrition and a healthy diet, even on our own doorsteps.
There are many interesting initiatives to distribute food here in Spain. For example, hotel ARTS catering works with Nutrition Without Borders providing a monthly donation of surplus food to the NGO while Factor 3 Events offers a Charity Food Hunt activity in which teams discover their destination as they collect food from supermarkets before donating it to food banks. It’s a treasure hunt for a great cause.
At Factor 3 Events, sustainability and respect are two of our core values so, wherever we can, we will ensure that food does not go to waste, whenever possible.
Images by Sara Dubler und Calum Lewis. Unsplash.
Featured Image by Dan Burton. Unsplash.