The Donkey Poo Festival

Spain, as beautiful as it is weird, a destination where new traditions evolve. 

Spain’s fiestas are varied and range from the wonderful to the well, simply weird! Did you know that there is a small town in Spain where locals bet on where a donkey will poo? 


In Alicante, Valencia, there is a village called Alfafara  that holds the la cagá de la burra – translated as ‘”the donkey poo”. Yes, the residents of the village guess the location of where the donkey will poo at their local festival

After diving a field into squares, locals can bet on a particular section of land hoping that the donkey will poo in the predicted spot.

Each person can get a maximum of three tickets at €5 each and then it’s a question of nature doing its thing.

Predictions can be random or based on country wisdom. Some believe plots with no shade offers the best grass implying that the donkey will probably spend the longest in that area; upping the odds.

This festival is of course filled with music, food and as the locals wait with baited breath to see the final outcome. Oh, and if the donkey poos in more than one plot, the area with the most poo will be the winning spot.

This festival has been held for 4 years now and it weas created in order to raise money for the local Three Kings’ parade on the night of January 5th.

At Factor 3 we love this one as it is harmless, ecological fun! What a great idea for a fundraiser!




Feature impages:

Foto de Christian Hess Araya en Unsplash

Foto de Leon Woods