von Factor 3 Events | Jun 1, 2021 | #eventmanagement, #eventmanagement, Activities, Activities, Balearic Islands, Balearic Islands, Creativity, Creativity, Dinners, Dinners, Entertainment, Entertainment, Events, Events, Factor 3 On Wheels, Factor 3 On Wheels, Formentera, Formentera, Spain, Spain
DIE MAGISCHE INSEL FORMENTERA UND DIE STERNE Die in Palma ansässige Event-Organisatorin Alessia Comis hat immer viel um die Ohren. Im Moment arbeitet sie an einem Sternbeobachtung-Event, das zwischen dem 11. und 13. Juni auf der magischen Insel Formentera, direkt vor...
von Carlos Villarreal | Mai 14, 2020 | Activities, Activities, Creativity, Creativity, Dinners, Dinners, Factor3 Team, Factor3 Team
Während Sandwiches auf vielen spanischen Menüs stehen, sind sie nicht ganz dasselbe wie die sogenannten Bocadillos. In Spanien wird ein „Sandwich“ aus geschnittenem Toastbrot oder Pan de Molde hergestellt und ist kaum mehr als ein leichter Snack. Hingegen ist das...
von Factor 3 Events | Jun 27, 2018 | Activities, Costa del Sol, Dinners
In May 2018, Factor 3 worked with TMB to create a deluxe incentive for their great client, Volvo. 25 guests attended the three-day event at the spectacular Puente Romano Hotel in Marbella, enjoying a morning out on the water on luxury Sunseekers, a paella and...
von Factor 3 Events | Jun 26, 2018 | Barcelona, Conference / Congress, Dinners, Team-Building
In January 2018, Factor 3 hosted an international communications company for a four-day event at the NH Collection Tower in Barcelona. The 300 guests had a busy schedule of meetings at the hotel but also managed to enjoy a drone-making activity as well as some...
von Factor 3 Events | Mai 3, 2016 | Barcelona, Conference / Congress, Dinners, Entertainment, Logistics
If you´ve survived this long without understanding this difference then I won´t bore you with an explanation now! But, if you understand that I´m talking about international barcodes then you may be interested to know that Factor 3 have just completed our first...
von Factor 3 Events | Sep 1, 2014 | Barcelona, Conference / Congress, Dinners, Logistics, Madrid
Factor3 worked with several agencies from Switzerland, Austria and the UK in order to deliver the ground services for some large pharmaceutical companies attending the GI, ESMO and ES Congresses in Barcelona and Madrid. Airport logistics as well as congress...